
lost ;

not paidoff ,

finally team photos !
we still aim high, right ?
we'll never lose confidence (:

what a total shit, seriously.
i've got a pink form ! ):
haiyah, whatever.
pizza hut with cliques after "training" at jp.
trained shooting only, without coach.
and guess what !
ra-fer chel-fei broke the glass cup in pizza hut ! ohmygosh.
super duper clumsy you know.
she at there playing with wan-fan ling-fing dk what shitty game.
keep playing with food, add pepper, add cheese.
fun huh ra-fer chel-fei .
back to school for balling again :D
after that, parents meeting ! goshgoshgosh.
i've lost my piority ):
what kind of results is these ? sucka.
there's a re-test on 25th june, wtheckk.
irritating mooooodddeee , bye.
i promise i am seriously going to work hard now.